The Astrologers Roundtable

The Astrologers Roundtable

Current Events & Current Planetary Transits

Monday, December 13, 2010

Pluto in Capricorn and the US National Debt Scam

Pluto in Capricorn and National Debt Scam
Robert Gover, USA
Privatized central banks have been sucking up the wealth created by common people and transferring it to the super wealthy since 1694 when the Bank of England was established so the King could borrow money to mount wars.  The national debt it heaped upon the American colonies was the primary reason for the American Revolution, which kicked into high gear when Pluto last sojourned through Capricorn.  Now, as Pluto returns to Capricorn, the scent of revolution again pervades the air.  

Our privatized, debt-based, Federal Reserve-run money system has created a national debt that's now close to $14 Trillion. Annual interest on that debt during the first 11 months of this year: $395.7 Billion. That's what we the people owe for money borrowed by our government from the bankers of the Fed.   

The media blitz about the national debt assumes it is an unchangeable fact of life. You can give yourself a terrible headache by contemplating these numbers and what they are likely to mean to you personally: Higher taxes, lower wages, reduced Social Security and Medicare forevermore.   

But the idea that it's unchangeable is really one gigantic con job perpetrated by the few who operate it, and their minions who knowingly or unknowingly bamboozle we the people about it.  Most of us glaze over at the enormity of it. The numbers are just too huge a headache to think about.

Since our nation's beginning, our most civic-minded politicians have resisted it or tried to change it.  They include Ben Franklin, Andrew Jackson, Abe Lincoln, John F. Kennedy and, in our time, Congressmen Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich. When poet Ezra Pound objected to it, he was vilified and locked in an insane asylum.  

It, our monetary system, is not a left-right or capitalist-communist issue, so the media doesn't cover it; it won't sell commercials.  It is couched in such arcane lingo that the guys who profit from it have been able to confuse the vast majority about it.  Until now.     

With Pluto now transiting conjunct the Fed's Sun, opposite its natal Pluto, the system has arrived at a changing time.  The habitual way of dealing with the national debt it creates is by punishing the victims, middle class taxpayers.  But now the national debt is so huge, sucking repayment out of the middle class isn't likely to work as it has worked before, without bankrupting the whole country.           

For lucid explanations of how it's eating us alive, check out these web sites:
Bankrupting the middle class to repay the national debt would eventually erode the fortunes of the privileged.  Those fortunes depend on the wealth-creating work done by the middle class.

Meanwhile, counties like China, India, Brazil and Russia have more recently established debt-free public banks.  As the debt-based privatized monetary system destroys the economies of the European Union and the USA, these other countries thrive.

If, back in 1694, the King had his crown on straight, he could have created the currency he needed instead of ordering the Bank of England to create it, then borrowing from the bank and socking his subjects with a national debt.  

At the heart of our national debt angst lurks this simple question:  How should we create the medium-of-exchange money needed by government?  By having government borrow from banks and sock taxpayers with the debt, or by having banks borrow from government debt-free?

The private sector works the same under either system.  The only difference is the lack of a national debt. With the vast majority relieved of that burden, more money flows into consumer goods and capital investments in tangible goods.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Jupiter/Uranus Awakening and Wikileaks by Robert Gover,

Jupiter/Uranus Awakening and Wikileaks
Robert Gover, USA
For the past decade I've been writing about what I believe is the world war of the future-between the minions of oligarchy and the forces of democracy.

Now it's here: *

No doubt Wikileaks is more astounding to an old geezer like me who grew up during the Great Depression and World War II when a spirit of cooperation possessed the USA. Anyone born since the mid-seventies missed that America and knows only this one: Socialism for the rich, laissez faire for everyone else.   

There have been times when I despaired because the multinationals and big banks seemed to possess overwhelming power, and thus appeared to be the dominant force in our future.  Astrology enabled me to realize that somehow events would conspire to upset their band wagon.     

And now as the Uranus-Pluto square tightens above us, Wikileaks rises from the ashes of the free press that once made American society the envy of the world.  Transiting Pluto moving opposite the USA's natal planets in Cancer (Venus, Jupiter, Sun and Mercury) promises to expose corruption, and Uranus promises to clean it up.    

Wikileaks is Dorothy flinging open the curtain to find that the Wizard is a deranged con artist playing with lights that enchant the masses.

How dare the people of a democracy learn what their public servants are up to.  Those doings are Officially Classified Secret.  Your duty, John Q. and Susie Q Citizen, is to work your asses off and pay your taxes to support the Wizard. You are not permitted to know what the Wizard does with all that money. That information is way above your pay grade.

"Terrorist!" cry the Wiz's trolls pointing to Wikileaks creator Julian Assange. "He's a traitor!  We shoot traitors!"

Wikileaks, our corporate-owned media is telling us, is a threat to lives.  Whose lives?  The Wizard and his minions, of course.  Revealing what the Wiz and his trolls are actually up to is a dire threat to their lives.  If everyone learns how they use our money to enrich themselves and mount wars to enrich the trolls of the military-industrial complex, there'd be hell to pay.    

Writer Matt Taibbi of the Rolling Stone has peeked over Dorothy's shoulder as she flung open the Wizard's curtain and has had the courage to write about it, with hair-raising candor and laser effectiveness. He explores the nuts and bolts of our most successful financial corporation, Goldman Sachs, in his latest book "Griftopia: The Great Derangement, Bubble Machines, Vampire Squids, and the Long Con That is Breaking America." Summing up what he discovered about the Goldman Wizard, he wrote:

"Goldman is not a company of geniuses, it is company of criminals.  And far from being the best fruit of a democratic, capitalist society, it's the apotheosis of the Grifter Era, a private enterprise that has attached itself to the American government and taxpayer and shamelessly engorged itself on us all."

The word "grifter" is an old slang term. Webster's says it means someone who acquires money illicitly as in a confidence game.  It's probably a play on the word "graft," which doesn't precisely describe what the New World Order's Wizard does. There's more con game grift than graft involved.

The last time Uranus and Pluto squared was back in the 1930s for the Great Depression. When the Smoot-Hawley Act was passed in 1930, Saturn was opposite the USA's natal Sun to boost the Uranus-Pluto square's effects. As I write this, the USA's money planets Venus and Jupiter are opposed by Pluto, the North Node, Mercury and Mars, which are all square a conjunction of Uranus and Jupiter. Wikileaks rocks.  

[* editor: due to the website many moves; this is the address to be used]

Friday, November 5, 2010

"The Pig Through the Python Nodes and Pluto"

Thank you Robert Gover, USA for your wonderful insight!!!

"Get this pig through the python" is a metaphor that is catching on among big bankers and financiers who are losing money because of the present foreclosure crisis.

The 18.6 year cycle of the Moon's North Node has correlated with the real estate cycle when charted over centuries.  During the 20th Century this correlation was distorted by the Fed's ability to impose interest rates rather than allowing the "free market" to do so.

On November 27 this year, at 8:59 AM, the North Node will precisely conjoin Pluto at 4 Capricorn 07.  With the North Node's role in real estate prices and Pluto's role in major transformations, the current foreclosure crisis appears to be headed for some kind of resolution.  It may not happen on November 27, though, for Pluto's effects are notorious for manifesting like births months after conceptions. But this coincidence tempts me to suggest Pluto is the python and the North Node is the pig.  

The cause of the foreclosure crisis is that the financial sector python swallowed a pig that was way too big.  The pig grew too big when mortgages were sliced and diced into securities and sold all over the world-without due diligence to the deeds to each property thus sold.  In other words, in Wall Street's enthusiasm to reap big profits from this python, the pig got stuck in the python's throat.

Millions of foreclosures across the country are stalled as the Wall Street python appeals to government to help it digest this pig. Caught between the devil (big campaign contributors) and the deep blue sea (voter reaction) politicians are stumped. Temporarily, at least.  Legal precedent going back to the invention of the printing press calls for written deeds to prove ownership of properties.  Without a deed, a bank cannot foreclose on a property-you cannot take back something you cannot prove you own.

Another interesting astrological fact is that, as the North Node and Pluto make their exact conjunction, Saturn will be conjunct within 1 degree of the USA's natal Saturn at 14 Libra, square the USA's Sun.  The Pluto-Node conjunction will be opposite the USA's money planets Venus and Jupiter in Cancer, and applying to an opposition to the USA's Sun.    

What we may be moving into is a change in the present makeup of our government, from "of, by and for big banks and corporations" to of, by and for the voters-a return of the democracy we like to believe we have.  I'm not suggesting we hold our breaths till this change manifests in our daily lives, though, for where billions of profits are concerned, wealthy campaign contributors and their political beneficiaries get panicky.   

Judges across the land who are involved in foreclosure cases have tended to side with the foreclosure industry. If a distressed homeowner was legally savvy enough, he or she could throw sand in the foreclosure machinery by hiring a lawyer to demand the bank involved show title to the property. Since so many titles have been put into the mortgage backed securities blender, there is no longer any way to un-blend and retrieve them.  That Humpty Dumpy had a great fall.

What's to be done?

A Legal Aid attorney in Jacksonville, Florida, April Chamey, pioneered saving homeowners from foreclosure back in 2004 by demanding banks prove ownership by producing titles.  She then filed "quiet title" actions on behalf of her homeowner clients.  A quiet title action quiets all other claims, giving homeowners a fresh new title to their properties.

Thus may the python of justice digest both the Wall Street python and its pig."

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Anyone interested in giving an astrological twist to this article on current financial news???

I found this article to be quite insightful. Transiting Pluto in Capricorn squaring transiting Jupiter & Uranus in Aries is sure to bring lots of changes to the established world order & big business.

Fed Up with the Fed and the Welfare State??

"When we have a look at markets today,'s depressing. Day after day we all have to put up with the fraud of serious looking men and women in suits making a complete mockery of common sense, reason, and good judgment. As exhibit A in the case against the absurdists running our money and our economy into the ground, we offer the remarks this week of Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke.

Bernanke spooked investors in
New York when he fronted a group of empty headed Senators in Washington and told them that the future of the U.S. economy was "unusually uncertain." But in a real boon to those of us looking forward to the inflationary effects of trillions of dollars more in quantitative easing, Bernanke assured the Senators that, "We remain prepared to take further policy actions as needed to foster a return to full utilization of our nation's productive potential in a context of price stability."

Can this sort of nonsense really be taken seriously? Unfortunately, we have to take it seriously because it has serious investment consequences.

But how long will it be before most people understand that the Fed, the regulators, and the
monetary authorities have no credibility when it comes to: a) understanding what is going on, b) fixing it, c) confessing to their culpability in causing the misallocation of capital and the zombification of large chunks of the global banking sector and generally forcing all of us contemplate their moronic and opaque pablum?

These people really are vandals and thieves. We are encouraged to take them seriously and cede micromanagement of the economy and public life to people who don't have an entrepreneurial bone in their body. What a big con.

In any event, don't be fooled by the results of the stress test. Those so-called stress tests for European banks are just as much a whitewash of the real capital inadequacy issues as were the American stress tests. In fact, the whole exercise is perfect pretext for another round of central bank quantitative easing/outright support of asset prices.

After all, American and European banks are stuffed full of housing- backed securities and sovereign debt. The credit boom manifested itself in many assets. Much of the fiscal and monetary policy since 2000 has been designed to keep those assets from deflating. It can't work.

We reckon this latest and largest round of quantitative easing will come sooner than most people are expecting and be a lot less effective than some people are hoping. It's time to get ready for it now. Crank up the comes the
.....We would instead make a high-handed, ivory tower, abstract kind of comment that the people of a nation can't all get rich by buying and selling houses from one another. For one, it's a singularly unambitious national goal. But that's not the biggest argument against it.

Creating a profit is hard. In some ways, it's unnatural. Profit is surplus value. Human beings improve their living standards by increasing productivity and efficiency through innovation and constant adaptation. The free market is a great mechanism for producing surplus, as long as risk taker and small businesspeople and crack pot inventors and dreamers and builders have access to capital. Of course the banks are under no obligation to take bad risks (unless you're talking about U.S. banks compelled to make loans to bad credit risks during the American housing boom.)

As for the aforementioned impending (we believe) quantitative easing round two, how should you prepare? Well, in the fashion that you find most fit naturally. But we'd suggest that asset markets are going to cop it good and hard in the second half of this year. We're expecting a one-two combination of big falls in stock markets and then wild, irresponsible, unprecedented and unconventional attempts to reflate by central banks."


Dan Denning, The Daily Reckoning Australia

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

A friend asked me today about what was happening with Uranus the end of this month

  • The planet URANUS is now in the sign of PISCES (a water sign)  (planet of revolutions, inventiveness, unpredictable) and it moves into the sign of ARIES ON THE 27TH (at which time then, URANUS  is in opposition to SATURN and when it goes into LIBRA (JULY 21) it squares (can be a difficult aspect which creates tension and requires action)  PLUTO (planet of big changes & power)
  • The planet SATURN (stability, order, planet of responsibility) GOES DIRECT on the  3OTH of May, 2010 @ 27' Virgo (sign of health & service work) and then moves into the sign of LIBRA (sign of balance, fairness & harmony)  JULY 21. At this time, it forms  a tight squared aspect to PLUTO in CAPRICORN (the world order, big business, politics) and an OPPOSITION to URANUS in ARIES.
  • NEPTUNE (planet of forgiveness, illusion & psychic energies) GOES RX on the  31ST of May @ 28' AQUARIUS (sign of humanitarianism)
  • JUPITER (planet of expansion, our belief systems) GOES INTO ARIES (sign of leaders, new beginnings, action) ON JUNE 5TH, adding more energy to the Cardinal PLUTO-URANUS-SATURN T-SQUARE.

Saturn & Uranus represent the present order & stability and Uranus represents upsets, changes & the breaking down of old outworn habits & structures. BOTH OF THESE PLANETS WILL BE IN OPPOSITION TO EACH OTHER AND IN A SQUARED ASPECT TO PLUTO...for many months. We are going to start seeing more and more PROACTIVE PEOPLE taking to the streets, the internet, wherever their voices can be heard and demanding FAIRNESS, ORDER & STABILITY in a NEW WAY that works for the MASSES (look at Greece and the people on the streets who are angry with their leaders as it pertains to their money & jobs, the people in Thailand who have been demanding their leaders do more for the masses)

Here is where I see where changes will be made:
  • THE Euro Dollar & The Federal Reserve system & The International Monetary Fund
  • Countries whose leaders are not in touch with the PEOPLE
  • POLITICS & POLITICIANS in general (people will want changes made so that the system works better for ALL, not just for those in power)
  • BIB BUSINESS who have no concern for the masses..only for their "$$$ bottom line"