Robert Gover, USA
Privatized central banks have been sucking up the wealth created by common people and transferring it to the super wealthy since 1694 when the Bank of England was established so the King could borrow money to mount wars. The national debt it heaped upon the American colonies was the primary reason for the American Revolution, which kicked into high gear when Pluto last sojourned through Capricorn. Now, as Pluto returns to Capricorn, the scent of revolution again pervades the air.
Our privatized, debt-based, Federal Reserve-run money system has created a national debt that's now close to $14 Trillion. Annual interest on that debt during the first 11 months of this year: $395.7 Billion. That's what we the people owe for money borrowed by our government from the bankers of the Fed.
The media blitz about the national debt assumes it is an unchangeable fact of life. You can give yourself a terrible headache by contemplating these numbers and what they are likely to mean to you personally: Higher taxes, lower wages, reduced Social Security and Medicare forevermore.
But the idea that it's unchangeable is really one gigantic con job perpetrated by the few who operate it, and their minions who knowingly or unknowingly bamboozle we the people about it. Most of us glaze over at the enormity of it. The numbers are just too huge a headache to think about.
Since our nation's beginning, our most civic-minded politicians have resisted it or tried to change it. They include Ben Franklin, Andrew Jackson, Abe Lincoln, John F. Kennedy and, in our time, Congressmen Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich. When poet Ezra Pound objected to it, he was vilified and locked in an insane asylum.
It, our monetary system, is not a left-right or capitalist-communist issue, so the media doesn't cover it; it won't sell commercials. It is couched in such arcane lingo that the guys who profit from it have been able to confuse the vast majority about it. Until now.
With Pluto now transiting conjunct the Fed's Sun, opposite its natal Pluto, the system has arrived at a changing time. The habitual way of dealing with the national debt it creates is by punishing the victims, middle class taxpayers. But now the national debt is so huge, sucking repayment out of the middle class isn't likely to work as it has worked before, without bankrupting the whole country.
For lucid explanations of how it's eating us alive, check out these web sites:
Bankrupting the middle class to repay the national debt would eventually erode the fortunes of the privileged. Those fortunes depend on the wealth-creating work done by the middle class.
Meanwhile, counties like China, India, Brazil and Russia have more recently established debt-free public banks. As the debt-based privatized monetary system destroys the economies of the European Union and the USA, these other countries thrive.
If, back in 1694, the King had his crown on straight, he could have created the currency he needed instead of ordering the Bank of England to create it, then borrowing from the bank and socking his subjects with a national debt.
At the heart of our national debt angst lurks this simple question: How should we create the medium-of-exchange money needed by government? By having government borrow from banks and sock taxpayers with the debt, or by having banks borrow from government debt-free?
The private sector works the same under either system. The only difference is the lack of a national debt. With the vast majority relieved of that burden, more money flows into consumer goods and capital investments in tangible goods.
Our privatized, debt-based, Federal Reserve-run money system has created a national debt that's now close to $14 Trillion. Annual interest on that debt during the first 11 months of this year: $395.7 Billion. That's what we the people owe for money borrowed by our government from the bankers of the Fed.
The media blitz about the national debt assumes it is an unchangeable fact of life. You can give yourself a terrible headache by contemplating these numbers and what they are likely to mean to you personally: Higher taxes, lower wages, reduced Social Security and Medicare forevermore.
But the idea that it's unchangeable is really one gigantic con job perpetrated by the few who operate it, and their minions who knowingly or unknowingly bamboozle we the people about it. Most of us glaze over at the enormity of it. The numbers are just too huge a headache to think about.
Since our nation's beginning, our most civic-minded politicians have resisted it or tried to change it. They include Ben Franklin, Andrew Jackson, Abe Lincoln, John F. Kennedy and, in our time, Congressmen Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich. When poet Ezra Pound objected to it, he was vilified and locked in an insane asylum.
It, our monetary system, is not a left-right or capitalist-communist issue, so the media doesn't cover it; it won't sell commercials. It is couched in such arcane lingo that the guys who profit from it have been able to confuse the vast majority about it. Until now.
With Pluto now transiting conjunct the Fed's Sun, opposite its natal Pluto, the system has arrived at a changing time. The habitual way of dealing with the national debt it creates is by punishing the victims, middle class taxpayers. But now the national debt is so huge, sucking repayment out of the middle class isn't likely to work as it has worked before, without bankrupting the whole country.
For lucid explanations of how it's eating us alive, check out these web sites:
Bankrupting the middle class to repay the national debt would eventually erode the fortunes of the privileged. Those fortunes depend on the wealth-creating work done by the middle class.
Meanwhile, counties like China, India, Brazil and Russia have more recently established debt-free public banks. As the debt-based privatized monetary system destroys the economies of the European Union and the USA, these other countries thrive.
If, back in 1694, the King had his crown on straight, he could have created the currency he needed instead of ordering the Bank of England to create it, then borrowing from the bank and socking his subjects with a national debt.
At the heart of our national debt angst lurks this simple question: How should we create the medium-of-exchange money needed by government? By having government borrow from banks and sock taxpayers with the debt, or by having banks borrow from government debt-free?
The private sector works the same under either system. The only difference is the lack of a national debt. With the vast majority relieved of that burden, more money flows into consumer goods and capital investments in tangible goods.